Sitemap - 2022 - The B+ Squad

Breaking the bi-nary.

Safe for who?

I am not going to defend my moral worth.

Women don't talk more.

The bisexuality of it all.

The only provable sexual orientation.

What we talk about when we talk about bi healthcare.

But what if you are?

But we are bound by more than our trauma.

A diagnosis of exclusion.

Escape the West

Okay we gotta talk about marriage for a second.

Tap dancing until the end of time.

Please just let us be chill.

An opaque bisexuality.

Blinded by the white.

The Lonely Biland

Is there such a thing as bisexual art?

The gay for pay to bisexual pipeline.

What do we want? To be left alone.

That time Tyra Banks did a (figurative) hate crime.

It's not just comphet.

You have the right to live your life.

Where's your bisexuality at?

The formerly bi

The bisexual threat to the family.

Do you want to start a book club?

What binds us in the end.

When there is nothing you can say.

I forgot to get a girlfriend before the end of the world.

Bisexual feeeeeeelings.

The inconstancy of being bisexual.

Okay but why does representation matter?

The life changing magic of not giving a shit.

I see myself in you.

Great bisexuals of history

The inescapable male gaze.


Who counts as bi?

Things that trigger my internalized biphobia

What do we owe to each other?

The kids are alright

Pure filth

A born slut

Bimisogyny vs Bimisandry

Separate and unequal

Don't Say Bi

A confession

When coming out isn't enough

Heteroflexibility, redux.

The undiagnosed pain

Is biphobia a structural oppression?

Rules for bisexuals

But I am (not) a bi lesbian

All the rest is commentary.

Who is a bisexual woman?

Famous White Woman Comes Out As Bi On TikTok

Bisexuals by any other name

A tribute to Kevin Smith

On flexibility.

Alan Cumming is bi

Learn your history

I have this thing about Katie Hill

The bi tipping point that never comes

No B without the T and a clarification

But what lies beyond the rainbow?

A novocaine of the mindscape

A note on language

The invisibility of bisexual invisibility

But I am not like *those* bisexuals

What Is Bi Visibility To A Bisexual?

Coming soon