I interpreted the excerpt you give from your old journal as mostly related to the lgbtq side of things, but it's interesting to me that I've heard a similar line of logic related to feminism and bisexuals. Basically that if you're a straight woman, you have no choice but to be with men. But if you're a bisexual woman who is with a man, it's like a betrayal of feminist values since it's viewed as choosing to center a man in your life when you had to option to pick a woman, sort of traitorous to the cause. Considering political lesbianism exists, it's not surprising that some people would think if you have any genuine attraction towards women, you're obligated to be with them exclusively. I don't want to sound like I'm bashing feminism at all though as I'm aware this is an outdated minority viewpoint. Just thought it was interesting that you came across a similar attitude as it relates to not being queer enough!

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lol <3

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You see this a lot in queer circles more broadly. I hear similar sentiments a lot from trans folks, especially trans men.

I'm not opposed to critiques of the politics of desire, etc, but it feels like this discourse is a circle firing squad that puts queer people's identities and desires under a microscope while leaving cis straight people (especially men), whose desires and relationship behaviors cause the most harm, off the hook.

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