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I first want to acknowledge and give you, Lux, my thin support of words. I truly hope you weather this difficult time with all the support and comfort of a community that you worked so hard to create.

For me, community is about the resource of people you trust. That some of those people are more in tune with sex, sexuality and gender issues, so much the better. In the end, we are humans wanting to been seen, supported and even celebrated.

The rhetorical question is: do we want a community of supportive people, some of who happen to be LBGTQ+++, or a specific community of LBGTQ+++ people? I know that I want support and a place to express my sexuality in all it's forms, both because I have work to do accepting my own sexual desires and yearnings, and also because it's juicy and fun. NEVER do I lose sight of the fact that no matter how horny, kinky, vanilla or asexual this theoretical group might be, they are still people and sexuality is but one part of a much larger whole.

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