My sincere response: YES.

My flip response because I can't help it: excuse me but bi culture is real, it's called having some angst and not being able to sit properly in chairs. :P :P :P

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I do think there's a of culture that's formed around the sort of bi person who's an activist within groups that meet online and in person. Dating back to the "soc.bi" grouping on usenet you'd see nerdy tech people, many of them polyamorous, plenty of science fiction fans, DIY types, mostly liberal.

I'm not sure if that's "bi culture" but there's *a* culture to that kind of group. It's a community where people do activism together, and they do start to build a shared shorthand for common topics they run into. They go to events. They march. They hold meetings in LGBT centers for newly minted bi people. Or coffee shops. Or diners.

It's not all bi people, but it is a group or groups with a history and roots.

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This is why I started following your posts. This perspective comes through loud and clear and it is one I resonate with. Thank you for blogging.

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